
基調講演 ステファン・エックス(エジンバラ大学社会人類学上級講師)



   立命館大学朱雀キャンパス 1F 多目的室

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主催 RISTEX「ヘルスケアアーカイブズに基づくELSI研究と患者・市民参画」(代表:後藤基行)
共催 医療社会学研究会、立命館大学生存学研究所
協力 立命館大学先端総合学術研究科

16:00-16:10 趣旨説明
16:10-17:00 講演『グローバル・メンタルヘルスを再考する』
17:00-18:30 パネル・ディスカッション(後半は会場も交えて)


エジンバラ大学医療人類学プログラムの共同創設者。インド、ネパール、ミャンマー、英国でエスノグラフィーのフィールドワークを行う。最近の研究は、身体化された価値、グローバルな医薬品市場、うつ病に対する考え方の変化、貧困と医療へのアクセス、多疾病と慢性的な薬物使用との関係などに焦点をあてたものである。主な著書にEating Drugs: Eating Drugs: Psychopharmaceutical Pluralism in India (New York University Press, 2013)、Living Worth: Value and Values in Global Pharmaceutical Markets (Duke University Press, 2022)のほか、健康と経済学の接点に関する多くの論文がある。(エジンバラ大学HPより)

Keynote Lecture
Rethinking Global Mental Health: The evidence gaps in the ‘treatment gap’
Prof. Stefan Ecks
Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh

◇International Symposium on Psychiatry as Trans-science
18th, Feb.2023 (Sat)
Suzaku Campus, Ritsumeikan University
Admission Free

Global Mental Health emerged from combining psychiatric epidemiology, health economics, health systems research, evidence-based therapeutics, lay awareness, human rights, and sustainable development into a coherent narrative about the “treatment gap.” I retrace the emergence and crisis of three pillars of GMH: epidemiology, economics of minds and moods, and the gap in treatment provision. I argue that GMH remains limited by its strategic ignorance of flaws in the data, of paradoxical relations between economic development and health improvement, and of how people actually seek help in low income countries. I conclude by arguing that GMH policies are bound to fail if they fail to reckon with the contradictions in its approach.

16:00-16:10 Introduction (Tatsuya MIMA)
16:10-17:00 Keynote Lecture (Stefan ECKS)
17:00-18:30 Panel Discussion
Kasumi ITOH

Stefan Ecks co-founded Edinburgh University’s Medical Anthropology programme. He did ethnographic fieldwork in India, Nepal, Myanmar, and the UK. Recent work focuses on an embodied theory of value, global pharmaceutical markets, changing ideas of depression, poverty and access to healthcare, and relations between multimorbidity and chronic medication use. Publications include Eating Drugs: Psychopharmaceutical Pluralism in India (New York University Press, 2013), Living Worth: Value and Values in Global Pharmaceutical Markets (Duke University Press, 2022), as well as many journal articles on the intersections between health and economics. (from the University of Edinburgh HP)


先端研 刊行物 学術誌 プロモーションビデオ