公開ワークショップ 出生前診断にもとづく選択的中絶の倫理:フェミニズムと障害学の視点から

公開ワークショップ 出生前診断にもとづく選択的中絶の倫理:フェミニズムと障害学の視点から

◆一般公開◆ 参加無料、申込不要




立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 創思館403・404


キャサリン・ミルズ(Catherine Mills)
モナシュ大学、H28年度 日本学術振興会 外国人招へい研究者(短期)

The Case Of The Missing Hand: Gender, Disability And Bodily Norms In Selective Termination

The practice of terminating a pregnancy following the diagnosis of a foetal abnormality raises questions about notions of bodily normality and the ways these shape ethical decision-making. This is particularly the case with terminations on the basis of ostensibly minor morphological anomalies, such as cleft lip and missing limbs or digits. In this paper, I examine a recent case of selective termination after a morphology ultrasound scan revealed the fetus to be missing a hand (acheiria). Using the work of Georges Canguilhem, I show that a person with acheiria could be considered normal. Further, I show that this case reveals a kind of ‘undecidability’ in the significance of fetal sex/gender and disability in termination. On the basis of this, I consider the conceptual interaction of disability with sex/gender, to argue that the ethics of disability termination are not as distinct from those of sex selection as is commonly supposed. In the final section of the paper, then, I consider the implications of this intersection of sex and anomaly for the ethics of selective termination.

*参照:Mills, C. 2015. “The Case Of The Missing Hand: Gender, Disability And Bodily Norms In Selective Termination”. Hypatia,30(1): 82-96.)





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