Career path Support

 After finishing at our department, students can apply for as a Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Research Organization Post-Doctoral Fellow, and we also have a Research Leadership Assistant Program as an original career path of this department. Many graduate students and alumni up to now have been hired as Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Researchers.

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

 After finishing at our department, as a career path, students can apply for a post-doctoral fellowship at Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa General Research Organization (3 students were hired after finishing in the 2012 school year).
For more information, please see the post-doctoral fellowship program, part of the Ritsumeikan Univeristy Research site.

Research Assistance Staff System

 As a original career path at our department, we have a system for research assistant and a research assistance staff in charge of related administrative duties.
 For more information, please see the research assistance staff link.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Researchers Membership

 At our department, many students have been hired as Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Researchers. For more information, please see the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Researchers link.

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