フェルナンド・ヴィダル教授の4回連続セミナー ”Personhood, Body, and Brain”


 日時:11月20, 21, 22, 24日 10:00-13:30
 場所:立命館大学 衣笠キャンパス 創思館407教室


Dr. Fernando Vidal

(ICREA-Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced
Studies カタロニア高等研究所 / Autonomous University of Barcelona バルセロナ自治大学)


  • Day 1 (Monday, 20 November)
    “Body and person in Western Christianity”
  • Bynum and Vergote provide historical and conceptual background to the connection body-person in the Christian tradition. Locke, in the late 17th century, develops a new theory of personal identity; reading priority should be given to sections 6, 10 and 17-20. Ozawa proposes new ways, informed by Japanese thought, of thinking about the sociology of the body; her article serves as transition to the following class.
    Main topic paper: Chikako Ozawa-de Silva
    “Beyond the Body/Mind? Japanese Contemporary Thinkers on Alternative Sociologies of the Body”

  • Day 2 (Tuesday, 21 November)
    “Brains, individuals, culture”
  • Racine documents how functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is perceived in the public. O’Connor & Joffe review the evidence for an impact of “neuro” on lay views of personhood. Chiao et al. and Kawabata & Zeki are representative examples of the neuroscientific approach to important humanistic and anthropological issues.
    Main topic paper: Eric Racine “fMRI in the public eye”

  • Day 3 (Wednesday, 22 November)
    “Brain thought experiments and popular culture”
  • Puccetti and Dennett, two professional philosophers use thought experiments to explore the relationship of brain and personal identity; Dahl, a writer, does something very similar. Sconce explores the meaning of brain movies during the Cold War and Vidal explores how film rehearses the idea that we are essentially our brains.
    Main topic paper: Roland Puccetti “Brain transplantation and personal identity”

  • Day 4 (Friday, 24 November)
    “Brain death, disorders of consciousness, locked-in syndrome”
  • The Harvard Report is the document that launches the definition of brain death in 1968. Bernat discusses controversies around brain death. Owen demonstrates that persons diagnosed as being in vegetative state can voluntarily modulate their brain activity and use that capacity to communicate. Nizzi et al. is an important questionnaire investigation on views about the self, held by persons with locked-in syndrome.
    Main topic paper: Marie-Christine Nizzi “From armchair to wheelchair: How patients with a locked-in syndrome integrate bodily changes in experienced identity”




連絡先:2017lecturevidal (at) gmail.com

国際ワークショップ ”Challenges of Illness Narratives”


 日時: 2017年11月23日(木・祝) 10:30-18:00
 場所:立命館大学 朱雀キャンパス


  • Opening Remarks (10:30-10:40)
  • Tatsuya Mima / 美馬達哉 (Ritsumeikan University)

  • Workshop 1 (10:40-13:00)
    “Personhood, the Locked-in Syndrome, and the Disorders of Consciousness (人格性、ロックトイン症候群、意識の障害)”
  • 1. Phenomenology and Narratives of the Locked-in Syndrome (ロックトイン症候群のナラティブと現象学)
    Fernando Vidal / フェルナンド・ヴィダル (ICREA-Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies / Autonomous University of Barcelona)

    2. TLS (Totally Locked-in State) as a metaphor for ALS: overcoming this condition (ALSの隠喩、TLSを乗り越えるための技術と考え方)
    Yumiko Kawaguchi / 川口有美子 (NPO ALS/MND Support Center SAKURA)

    3. Comments or short presentation from an ALS patient

    4. Discussion with light meal

  • Workshop 2 (13:00-16:00)
    “Illness Polyphony: A New Perspective (病のポリフォニーという新しい視点)”
  • 1. Mental Illness and Modern Subjectivity in Modernist Tokyo: A Case of Hysteria and the Environment of the Hospital(モダニズム東京での精神疾患と近代的主体性 ヒステリーと病院環境)
    Akihito Suzuki / 鈴木晃仁 (Keio University)

    2. Tojisha Research and Narrative Medicine (当事者研究とナラティブ・メディシン)
    Maxence Gaillard / マクサンス・ガイヤー (JSPS / Rikkyo University)

    3. How Participants of Self-help Groups Build Their Explanation of ‘Medically Unexplained Symptoms’?(セルフヘルプグループ参加者はどうやって「医学的に説明不能な症状」の説明を生み出すか)
    Mieko Homma / 本間三恵子 (Saitama Prefectural University)

    — Coffee Break (14:15- 14:30) —

    4. Delusion of Demented Persons, as a Pathology and as Narratives (認知症者の、病理としての妄想、語りとしての妄想)
    Masahiro Nakatsuka / 中塚晶博 (Tohoku University)

    5. Mikhail Bakhtin’s Concept of Polyphony and Studies of Illness Narrative: An anthropologist’s Notes
    Mitsuho Ikeda / 池田光穂 (Osaka University)

    6. General Discussions

    — Coffee Break (15:50-16:00) —

  • Round-table Discussions with Young Researchers (16:00-18:00)
  • Facilitator: Kaori Sasaki / 佐々木香織 (Otaru University of Commerce)

    Presenters: Hiroto Shimizu / 志水洋人 (Osaka University), Katsuya Kushihara / 櫛原克哉 (Tokyo Online University), Miho Takagi /高木美歩 (Ritsumeikan University), Yoshiko Miwa / 三輪佳子 (Ritsumeikan University), Nicholas Tajan / ニコラス・タジャン (NIMH Japan), Shohei Watanabe / 渡辺翔平 (Osaka Prefecture University) 

    Get−Together Party (18:30- )




2017lecturevidal (at) gmail.com

フェルナンド・ヴィダル教授の4回連続セミナー ”Personhood, Body, and Brain”


 日時:11月20, 21, 22, 24日 10:00-13:30
 場所:立命館大学 衣笠キャンパス 創思館407教室


Dr. Fernando Vidal
(カタロニア高等研究所 ICREA /バルセロナ自治大学)


  • Day 1 (Monday, 20 November)
    “Body and person in Western Christianity”
  • Bynum and Vergote provide historical and conceptual background to the connection body-person in the Christian tradition. Locke, in the late 17th century, develops a new theory of personal identity; reading priority should be given to sections 6, 10 and 17-20. Ozawa proposes new ways, informed by Japanese thought, of thinking about the sociology of the body; her article serves as transition to the following class.
    Main topic paper: Chikako Ozawa-de Silva
    “Beyond the Body/Mind? Japanese Contemporary Thinkers on Alternative Sociologies of the Body”

  • Day 2 (Tuesday, 21 November)
    “Brains, individuals, culture”
  • Racine documents how functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is perceived in the public. O’Connor & Joffe review the evidence for an impact of “neuro” on lay views of personhood. Chiao et al. and Kawabata & Zeki are representative examples of the neuroscientific approach to important humanistic and anthropological issues.
    Main topic paper: Eric Racine “fMRI in the public eye”

  • Day 3 (Wednesday, 22 November)
    “Brain thought experiments and popular culture”
  • Puccetti and Dennett, two professional philosophers use thought experiments to explore the relationship of brain and personal identity; Dahl, a writer, does something very similar. Sconce explores the meaning of brain movies during the Cold War and Vidal explores how film rehearses the idea that we are essentially our brains.
    Main topic paper: Roland Puccetti “Brain transplantation and personal identity”

  • Day 4 (Friday, 24 November)
    “Brain death, disorders of consciousness, locked-in syndrome”
  • The Harvard Report is the document that launches the definition of brain death in 1968. Bernat discusses controversies around brain death. Owen demonstrates that persons diagnosed as being in vegetative state can voluntarily modulate their brain activity and use that capacity to communicate. Nizzi et al. is an important questionnaire investigation on views about the self, held by persons with locked-in syndrome.
    Main topic paper: Marie-Christine Nizzi “From armchair to wheelchair: How patients with a locked-in syndrome integrate bodily changes in experienced identity”




連絡先:2017lecturevidal (at) gmail.com